I Wrote This Before Political Reality Set In.

Dave Mulryan
5 min readAug 6, 2018


How do you know that you are at a great forum sponsored by the local county Bernie Democrats? I’ll tell you how: When, during a candidate question and answer period, the candidate, one of 11 people we have running for Congressional District 1, gets asked the question, “What type of bike do you ride?” and the question is actually a good question, the candidate answers, and we move on. (A black Canondale, for the record.) I like these kinds of questions, because it lets you see how the candidate handles the unexpected, and lets you see something that you might not always see. That is a good thing.

Most people know that I was a Hillary supporting voter from the get go, but when the Bernie backed “Our Revolution,” folks started having training for how to run and get elected to your local precinct and wards, I went, at the public library in February, and did indeed get myself elected, and also got boosted to the State Central Committee, where we elect the statewide Democrats, for the Democratic Party of New Mexico, DPNM. Having taken advantage of this training, and having gotten elected to the SCC, it seemed to me that I owed the Bernie folks my votes, so I voted for their candidates during the elections, because I liked the woman who was running, and I think a little loyalty is always called for. The other good thing is that they now invite me to all of their meetings, and they are always interesting.

For those of you who wonder what you can do for elections, for voting, for democracy, here is a little thumbnail sketch: The Bernie people trained 260 people on how to run for precinct and ward chairmen, basically through the efforts of one woman, Kathleen Burke, who trained, armed only with powerpoint and smarts, week in and week out, almost 300 people, got 100 of them into precinct and ward positions, and then got 30 of them onto the State Central Committee. There are 300 people on the SCC, so the Bernie folks got about 10% of the Committee staffed with their members. That is actually amazing. What have YOU done for democracy since January 1st? Not to be too snotty, but you get my point.

These meetings always elicit the unexpected. There was a ward chairman who, frustrated with canvassing, starting setting up a little booth, with these signs, and began to talk to his neighbors and friends, giving out literature, collecting emails, lots of great stuff. There was report from a gentleman, a vet, who organized his ward, reached out to other veterans, and is making sure that veterans issues are included at every turn. They are making visits to counties all over the state to meet with their fellow vets, and to make sure that they know what they need — unreal stuff. There is the woman, with small kids, who not only got herself onto the county committee, fearing that things weren’t going well, got herself elected to the Chairman of State Committee that is writing the state Democrats platform. She is traveling all over the state, is listening to the voters, making sure that everyone understands the process for getting their resolutions considered for the statewide platform stuff.

We heard from two candidates, Dennis Dinge, a PhD astrophysicist who is one of eleven people running for the local Congressional seat. There was a Q&A, and he handled all of it well, including the question about the bike. Many people are unhappy about the latest publicity about the DNC’s stance on supporting candidates who are anti-choice. I am pro-choice, and each candidate is going to have to navigate this issue themselves. Dennis did a good job handling this always hot potato.

The ever personable and fun Gus Pedrtoy, the 23 year old running for Mayor also took questions. He is sharp, funny, and may have a little more vote getting ability than anyone is expecting, but we shall see.

I feel like I am reporting from the Spanish Civil War. There is a revolution, there is lots happening, and I hope that more people will care. I cannot emphasize enough how fun it is to go to these things. We cannot Facebook our way to victory. You need to meet the other people working, exchange ideas, see and hear what works. So, just go. You won’t be disappointed.

The Update:

Gus Pedrotty, whose name I misspelled in the original post, fought the good fight, and did not prevail. He did come in 5th, in a crowded field. He spent $17,500 dollars, broke my heart when he lost, and allowed me to find redemption, in a mosh pit at UNM. I was in said mosh pit to register voters, and thought to myself, if I die, everything that everyone has ever thought about me will seem true. Luckily, I survived, and re-founded an agency, Mulryan-Nash. It has clients. It lives.

I moved on to a Congressional Candidate, Patrick Davis, a City Councilor from Albuquerque, running for Congress, who also lost. I helped on a campaign for New Mexico Land Commissioner, Garrett Van Klassen, who also lost. Your heart breaks every time, but there is always another campaign. I am on my next one, for Kevin Sanders, running for Public Regulation Commission. Hope springs eternal.

The woman that I took my class from is rightly furious with me. I called her a name at the party for the last night of the Gus Pedrotty campaign, and it was all my fault, and stupid. I apologized, and I will do so until it is over. Stupid is as stupid does.

The woman who chaired the platform committee continues on. She and I are friends, and we are both great admirers of Marilyn Monroe, for different reasons.

The midterms are here. My term on the State Central Committee ends in 6 months. I manage a campaign. I am 60. I worry that I am too old for all of this, but think about the guys that I knew and loved, and how they died, young, in agony. I lived, and I won’t waste it. We have to fight. We have to try. Life continues, and you don’t look back. There is only forward motion. Onward.



Dave Mulryan
Dave Mulryan

Written by Dave Mulryan

Dave Mulryan is the Co-Founder of Everybody Votes, a group that registers high school Seniors to vote. He is President of Mulryan/Nash Advertising, Inc.

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